During this unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, many are looking for ways to give back while still practicing social distancing. If you're feeling altruistic, consider donating to these organizations who are working to bring aid and comfort to those in need as well as those working to combat the COVID-19 crisis.

Southern Smoke Foundation


Wine and Food Week has joined with Southern Smoke Foundation to raise money for food and beverage industry workers hit hardest by the COVID-19 outbreak. Donations can be made via Facebook or directly to the Southern Smoke Foundation. If you are in the food and beverage industry and looking for relief, please click here to find out more information.


LMC People Matter


The LMC Class of 2020 wants Montgomery County first responders and healthcare providers to know they are not forgotten. The class is collecting donations to provide aid and comfort to those who are risking their lives during this trying time. Click here to donate to the LMC People Matter Project.


Meals on Wheels Emergency Food Drive


During these times of uncertainty, food insecurity is at an all-time high. Local food banks are accepting donations and holding virtual food drives. Read below to see how you can give back.

Interfaith of The Woodlands remains open to meet the basic needs in South Montgomery County, including Senior Grocery Delivery, Crisis Assistance Services and Food Pantry Assistance. Hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Curbside services are by phone at 281-367-1230. Donations are being accepted. Learn how you can lend support to Interfaith.

Montgomery County Food Bank is conducting a virtual food drive. Click here to donate.

Meals on Wheels has coordinated a food drive to stock the shelves of our most at-risk neighbors. Click here to learn what items to donate and where or donate to the virtual food drive here.

Community Assistance Center Serving Montgomery County is currently providing assistance to residents of Montgomery County with financial assistance for utilities, pre-packaged bags of groceries during Wednesday Markets and is accepting donations. For more information view the flyer.



Sell Medical Supplies or Equipment To sell medical supplies or equipment to the federal government, please submit a price quote under the COVID-19 PPE and Medical Supplies Request for Quotation. This solicitation requires registration with the System for Award Management (SAM) in order to be considered for award, pursuant to applicable regulations and guidelines. Registration information can be found at www.sam.gov. Registration must be “ACTIVE” at the time of award.

Donate Medical Supplies or Equipment If you have medical supplies or equipment to donate, please provide details on what you are offering through our online medical supplies and equipment form at https://www.fema.gov/covid19offers.

Doing Business with FEMA If you are interested in doing business with FEMA and supporting he response to COVID-19 with your company’s non-medical goods and/or services, please submit your tinquiry to the Department of Homeland Security’s Procurement Action Innovative Response (PAIR) team at DHSIndustryLiaison@hq.dhs.gov.

Healthcare Professionals that Want to Volunteer In addition to these avenues to help, licensed healthcare professionals that want to volunteer can get information on eligibility, view credential levels by clinical competency and register with the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals in their state.

Additional ways to help can be found at www.fema.gov/coronavirus/how-to-help.