The Jason Isbell and Lucinda Williams show scheduled for August 11, 2021 at The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion has unfortunately been canceled. Refunds are available at the point of purchase.
The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion fully supports and commends Jason Isbell and his team for their commitment to the health of their fans, crew, band and venue staff. We are all on the same page here and we agree with what Jason Isbell would like to implement, but there is a timing issue. To implement a major change in policy such as what is requested will take more time than we have.
The Pavilion has always – and will always – view the health and safety of those at our venue at the highest priority. We will continue to look to our local and national health officials for the best guidance as we continue to evolve our policies and procedures to celebrate our return back to live.
Jerry MacDonald
President & CEO
The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion