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Group Incentive Agreement

Visit The Woodlands is excited to welcome your group to The Woodlands and we are thankful you chose our destination! In order to lock in your incentive fund offer, please read our Group Incentive Terms and Conditions  here and then sign the form electronically below.

Please note: If you have not received and an approved Incentive Fund Request from our office, you will need to fill out that form here first.


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Please upload a copy of your hotel contract.



This is the amount included in the confirmation email you received from Visit The Woodlands.

Who should the check be made out to?


By signing this document, I certify that the information provided above is correct. I acknowledge having read and understood the information contained in the Group Incentive Terms and Conditions and agree to said terms. Upon receipt, approval, and countersignature by Visit The Woodlands to this Group Incentive Agreement input data, such agreed Group Incentive Agreement input data, together with the Group Incentive Terms and Conditions, shall constitute the entire agreement between the Group and Visit The Woodlands.


You must select yes to receive incentive funds from Visit The Woodlands.

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* Indicates a required field.


For questions on the Group Incentive Fund process, please reach out to Visit The Woodlands Director of Sales, Josie Lewis at