Request Media Assistance

Visit The Woodlands can help with interviews & filming approvals.

Media Assistance


Visit The Woodlands is happy to provide assistance for journalists providing media coverage for The Woodlands, Texas. Our office can assist with interviews and provide approval for filming. To get started, please fill out the Media Assistance form below. Upon receipt, we will review your request and someone from our Marketing Team will be in touch with you soon!

Please note: If this is a large scale film project, you will need to fill out our Commercial Filming Application to apply for permits and provide insurance information.


Please include the name of the person who will be onsite for filming.

Please include the number for the person who will be onsite for filming.

Your email is only used for Visit The Woodlands purposes. We will never sell or share your information.


By choosing yes, you agree to receive emails from Visit The Woodlands.


Please provide a brief description of the story.

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Please provide the date you intend to film or need someone available for an interview.

If requesting filming approval, please provide the name of each location you intend to film.

If requesting interview assistance, please provide name of specific people or type of experts needed for on camera interview.

* Indicates a required field.